Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Calling Denied

Many people have real callings on their lives. To do something great - something grand. Fight evil and make a difference. But me, my calling is to live my life alone. In total singleness and fighting constant depression and anxiety.

I'm not okay with it. I didn't ask for this. God has yet to ask for my opinion. He's abandoning me. He lets my heart hurt and refuses to free me of my depression. I can't say or do anything to change this. We're taught one Sunday that we can't "do" anything to earn God's grace. Yet next Sunday we're taught that we aren't doing enough. You don't have this bc you don't do this.

Whatever. I didn't ask this for my life. I don't want it. Yet I'm not free to change my life. Can't magically make myself married. Can't magically remove the depression.

I need a hero, someone to rescue me, yet I'm not "allowed" to ask that of a human being. It's too much to want of someone. But when will I ever be enough for someone? When will someone need me to be in their life?

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Anticipated let down.

It's really, really, hard to look at someone and say, "Congratulations on having all the hopes and dreams for my life come true in your life. I'm so happy you've gotten everything I've ever wanted." Sometimes when I'm out doing errands or shopping, I'll think I need to get home because someone will be coming to get me soon. Someone will be expecting me, wanting me, expecting me. But no, there's never anybody. There's nobody coming. My life is pointless. No one needs me in their life. I gave up things God told me to let go. And what has been the return? Nothing. Loneliness and depression. Sadness and deep pain. Worthlessness. Meaninglessness. Isolation because it's not that fun to do everything alone. There is nobody. No one is ever coming. No one needs me.

There's no one to get off the couch for. No one to clean for. No one to impress. No one to exercise or cook for. Why should I care about my body? There's no one to do anything for. There's no one to buy a Christmas gift for. No one to go to church with. No one to spend the day with. I'm not needed. I'm not wanted. I'll forever be alone and depressed, unable to end my own life.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Feminist crap

It's funny how I've always been such an anti-feminist, but life has dealt me such a hand that I have no choice but to go down the road of feminism. Why? Because feminism has left me at 33.75-yrs-old and un-married. I have no choice but to support myself. I have come to a place in my life where I'll have to become a career-oriented feminist b*tch, or I'll never have the money to be free and quit living paycheck to paycheck. Because of feminism, men no longer take care of the single women in their families. They don't have to. They've been so degraded into pansies that the concept of men doing anything remotely responsible is like asking a dog to quit eating it's own crap. They don't have to grow up or make commitments. Thank you feminist morons for confusing gender roles and giving me the honor of living out life alone.

Thursday, May 8, 2014


33 and single. I've always wanted to be married. To be someone's wife and be there with him, following him. But no. I'm lost in a world of independence I don't want. It's making me hard. By now it's going to be extremely difficult to integrate my life with another's. But I'm pretty sure that'll be the least of my concerns in the future. 

I've never had a desire or need to bear my own children. Why should I? There's plenty of children unwanted that could use a home. And at this age, the only eligible men are going to be single with kids or still living with their own mommy. Gee, Which shall I choose? (Scarcasm)

Dating sites aren't good for moral either. Every man wants a slender or "athletic and toned" body type. Yeah sure, you beer-gut pregnant, superficial prick who can't hold a conversation. I could always settle. But do I really have to settle for the guy who posted his professional family photo and then used the Windows Paint program to "spray paint" his wife's face black? (Insert omg here.)

But no, I don't think I'll even be allowed to settle. God's got me blocked. For sure. I have plenty of dating experience. And thinking back, not one time has anyone one of these people ever LOVED me. Why? God won't let them. No matter who I date or meet, God tells me I can't have them. And if I date them anyways, they will never want me. Not in the way I want for my life. I don't know why he has me blocked. God keeps telling me that whoever "he" is, isn't ready yet. Great, wonderful. So maybe I'll meet him by 40. Then bc men statistically live shorter lives and bc all the women in our family live well into their 90s, I'll be single again probably at age 60-65.

I'm probably going to pick up heavy smoking and a decent amount of drinking so I can at least have hope that my lungs or liver or heart will die off by 80 at the least. But I'm sure that wouldn't work either. God knows I don't want to live a long, old life. So I'm sure he'll make sure I do. 

But this is my life. This is what goes in and out of my head every day. Thank God for my two furry best friends. One day something's gotta give.

Friday, May 11, 2012


The problem with the world isn't just the evil or immorality in it. The problem is the selfishness in every one of us. Within selfishness darkness and evil can hide and thrive. Only in being selfless will good always overcome evil. Then no matter what it looks like, evil will just be a facade; a temptation without power.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

soulish, fleshly lies

I am not my flesh. My soulish flesh lies to me constantly. I am a spirit encased in this shell. I have asked the Holy Spirit to dwell with my spirit. So in the name of Jesus, my soul and flesh must submit to Him. I am not what my body says I am or what my soul says I should feel. Therefore I am free. Free to live by the spirit. Free to overcome all oppression.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

I believe...


... Where's Waldo is the best coffee table book ever.

... men should not leave their body hair in the tub. Disgusting!

... there is nothing wrong with going to see a movie by yourself.

... there are 4 people who everyone should listen to... Stacy & Clinton (What Not to Wear), Jo Frost (Supernanny), and Cesar Milan (Dog Whisperer).

... if two people make it their priority to work at making the other happy, the return is going to be 10 times better than you thought you wanted or tried to demand from the other person.

... dark chocolate can cure anything!

... Hot Wheels and Legos are the greatest toys ever invented!

... too much of the Bible is overlooked. Particularly in Proverbs when it says that a naggy, quarrelsome woman is like a constant dripping and it'd be better to live on a rooftop than in the same house as that woman.

... the Amish are smarter than everyone else for being self-sufficient, minus the bad clothing part.

... a Dr. Pepper a day keeps the headaches away!

... the closest friends are those who live furthest away.

... pit bulls, like children, only behave the way they are brought up.

... there's something about eating Doritos just after swimming that just works together.

... in Anti-Feminism.

... old Tupperware rocks. I love midgets.

... children should be given the same quality of respect adults are given.

... grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup will always be the best meal ever.

... no one should work purely for the money. Do something you enjoy even if it means not having everything or the social status. Don't let money keep you at a job that you hate.

... if the shoe fits, tie it.

... muscle cars are the only American-made cars anyone should buy.

... in complete independence. If everyone you love left you, can you stand on your own?

... being different is way more fun.

... having the right bra is the smartest thing any woman can do and greatest favor to herself.

... buying cute, cheap shoes gives you validity for buying more shoes more often.

... Laffy Taffy jokes are the funniest jokes ever.

... in only buying clothes that are on sale or clearance unless it's something you just absolutely love.

... not all people were created equal. If they were, then why are some in a naturally bad disposition?

... your wedding is about you and not your guests or how great are your table decorations.

... everyone should read "For Women Only" and "For Men Only" by Shaunti Feldhahn and her husband.

... the Bible is true, it can't be changed for the modern society. It's all the same yesterday and today.

... children shouldn't wear helmets and pads when roller-blading or riding bikes. They need to learn to fall, hurt themselves, and get back up.

... scars add character.

... scarcasm is wonderful.

... Effingham is home. For the first time, I have somewhere to settle.

... J.J. Abrams and George Lucas are geniuses.

... 4 8 15 16 23 42

... the climate crisis is just a conspiracy to make money off of people who will pay out the butt to "Go Green."